we create artificial intelligent solutions to empower your business.

digital transformation disrupts entire industries.

new possibilities turn the usual workflows completely upside down.

at Cortical Arts, we offer and develop client-specific AI solutions.

to keep our customers competitive.
by increasing efficiency and performance.
and to counter increasing cost pressure.

reach out. to find out. what’s possible.

smart and intelligent software solutions

Client Specific AI Solutions

for industry | AI gives you the opportunity to improve.
to do things better. to tackle problems which were not solvable in the past. to take advantage of the digital future instead of being taken over by it. to make use of the
digital transformation.


for healthcare | GeminiMed+ gives you control over your medical record database and enables an effective transformation phase from hard copy to
eMedicalRecord systems.


for administration | GeminiOffice accelerates your workflow by automaticallly processing documents and its information (Robotic Process Automation). it is applied to all kind of administrative work – from financial to HR issues and beyond.


for historical archives | GeminiHisto is highly specified on the preprocessing and processing of historical manuscripts. it is applied in multiple historical archives – public and private.

about cortical arts

cortical arts is an AI⏐strategy consultancy specialized on AI Solutions and Data Mining
based in Zürich, Switzerland.

our mission is to bring artificial intelligence to reality and enable our customers
to benefit from the most amazing technologies of our time.

we don’t just talk about AI, we make it happen.

with our expertise, experience and excitement we take your company into the future.


Cortical Arts

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